
Swiss Digital Day 2021: Cybergeddon - the fifth dimension

Nicolas Mayencourt will be participating at SUISSEDIGITAL's event "SD-Day 2021" taking place on the 27th of November 2021 in Bern. SUISSEDIGITAL is the trade association for Swiss communication networks.

Our Global CEO will be presenting "Cybergeddon - The Fifth Dimension" - a keynote focusing on cyberspace, a dimension that is just as real, and as tangible, as those traditional "natural" domains. He will explain how this domain of operations is just as critical to understand, protect and secure as land, air, sea and outer space.

Further topics of the keynote are:

  •     Cyber threats - a global perspective of backgrounds and causes.
  •     Utopia vs. Distopia
  •     Competitiveness of a country in direct comparison to its commitment to cyber security
  •     Swiss cyberspace and its changes due to COVID-19
  •     Mitigating cyber threats - building proactive security measures

Learn all about the event here.

Swiss Digital Day 2021: Cybergeddon - the fifth dimension

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