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Nicolas Mayencourt, the founder and CEO of Dreamlab Technologies, recently shared his extensive industry experience and insights with the Swiss Venture Club (SVC).

For over 20 years, the SVC has been highlighting successful SME companies, providing a platform for inspiration, networking, and dialogue through its SME podcast and numerous regional events. With over 3,400 members from various sectors and regions, the SVC offers a wide range of member benefits, making it one of Switzerland’s largest and most inspiring networks for entrepreneurs.

Nick shared his insightful “5 Learnings,” which highlight the importance of acting on conviction, overcoming resistance, aligning beliefs and work, fostering intrinsic motivation, and achieving sustainable and organic business growth:

In his first learning, “Be brave and dream”, Nick reflects on his early fascination with technology and how he recognised its immense potential to shape society. His dream of creating a responsible and enlightened digital society has been the guiding force behind the mission of Dreamlab Technologies.

Nick’s second learning, “Resistance makes you stronger”, comes to mind as he reflects on the past. During the New Economy era, he encountered skepticism and incomprehension when he voiced concerns about cybersecurity. Nevertheless, Nick remained unwavering in his belief that a robust security framework was crucial for the digitalisation process to avoid major issues. Over time, his foresight has been validated as global cybercrime has surpassed the destructive impact of natural disasters.

In learning three, Align your beliefs and work, Nick talks about how Dreamlab Technologies actively contributed to the cybersecurity market by pioneering technological advancements and collaborating with organisations such as ISECOM and the World Wide Web Consortium. The company’s primary goal is to actively shape digitally self-determined societies, a motivation that drives their success.

Intrinsic motivation as USP is highlighted in his fourth learning. Nick stresses that the success of Dreamlab Technologies is rooted in the alignment of personal values, aspirations, and corporate goals. The company’s employees are driven by conviction and a desire to make a positive impact, contributing to their economic success and expansion across four continents.

His fifth and last learning, “Growth yes, but not at any price centers around sustainable growth. Nick emphasises the importance of organic expansion rather than pursuing short-term monetary incentives. Dreamlab Technologies’ international growth was carefully considered and aligned with their values and convictions, ensuring their trustworthiness and long-term success.

Read the full article (German only)