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Blackmailing via ransomware, hacking, phishing, etc. – how does a company protect itself against the rapidly increasing number of cyberattacks? More and more often, private individuals and companies are being attacked. The media regularly reports incidents and the associated financial and reputational damage that comes with these security breaches.

At a joint event organised by startup baselland and the Basel-Land Police on 22 June 2022 in Arlesheim, expert speakers presented insights and practical examples of the current state of cybercrime and provided recommendations to participants, highlighting the need for a greater awareness on the topic.

According to Professor Marc K Peter of the FHNW School of Business, digital transformation has increased the complexity of processes and thus also the cyberrisks. The rapid shift to home office settings and increased used of communication and collaboration platforms such as Teams and Zoom, have rapidly gained in importance during the Covid lockdown, significantly increasing the accessibility to threats from the network.

According to a presented report from Dreamlab Technologies (, more than 107,000 critical and documented vulnerabilities, i.e. “vulnerable” IPs, have currently been exposed in the Swiss cyberspace. As presented by Prof Peter, more than 50,000 e-mail addresses and passwords of Swiss companies and private individuals can be downloaded from the Darknet. According to the expert, «companies are still doing far too little in this area and are nowhere near a reasonable level of cybersecurity.»

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