
Early Warning - Switzerland: Vulnerable Devices using Fortinet’s FortiOS

Dreamlab Technologies announced an early-warning service based on the high-precision cyber-radar solution CyObs (www.cyobs.ch), which allows the identification of cyber threats.

Utilising the CyObs solution, customers are able to scan and analyse their infrastructure, identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities, as well as reinforce their infrastructure by following a detailed report and task lists that enables efficient problem fixing. CyObs then allows a continuous monitoring to track the success of the undertaken measures.

CyObs was recently used by researchers at Dreamlab to detect all vulnerable devices currently using Fortinet’s FortiOS web portal in Switzerland, identifying over 840 devices currently being exposed in critical industrial, financial, medical and enterprise sectors.

"We developed CyObs to identify vulnerabilities with a potential for a cyber-attack. The cyber radar system allows us to deliver a real-time situational overview that enables fast decision-making, no matter how big the cyberspace is." said Nicolas Mayencourt, Global CEO of Dreamlab Technologies. "We perform an overall analysis of the cyberspace and then create a report that makes it easy to have a bird’s-eye view of the consistency of a cyberspace and its current weaknesses".

Contact us today at contact@dreamlab.net for the Swiss early warning report about the FortiOS vulnerabilities or head over to https://cyobs.ch/ to learn more about the Dreamlab cyber radar solution.

Early Warning - Switzerland: Vulnerable Devices using Fortinet’s FortiOS

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