
How Security Specialists react to 5G Criticism and the Crypto Affair

Almost 3,000 specialists took part in the second Swiss Cyber Security Days. You can hear in the podcast why the security conference is needed, how a telco security chief reacts to the recent criticism of 5G and why Nicolas Mayencourt sees our society at the crossroads between utopia and dystopia. Nicolas Mayencourt, founder and CEO of Dreamlab Technologies, shows how dangerous he considers the gaps in Swiss cyberspace to be and why he believes in the security industry despite the crypto affair.

Listen to the Podcast (in German) here: https://www.netzwoche.ch/news/2020-02-19/so-reagieren-security-spezialisten-auf-5g-kritik-und-crypto-affaere

How Security Specialists react to 5G Criticism and the Crypto Affair

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