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The frequency and scale of cyberattacks is exploding, with attackers now employing highly automated professional approaches. Unfortunately, many businesses are failing to keep up with the ever-evolving threat landscape. With companies either underestimating their vulnerability or failing to grasp the full scope of the risks they face.

This is especially true of small and medium-sized enterprises, where insufficient resources can make them increasingly susceptible to cyber threats. As a result, the criticality of IT security grows daily.

For these reasons, the second phase of the cross-border EU-funded TITAN-E initiative seeks to especially support small and medium-sized enterprises. During the first phase, 90 SMEs from the Upper Rhine region (Switzerland-France-Germany) were involved in discussions regarding digitalisation, business model innovation, and strategic IT security.

Now, in the second phase of the program, international IT security expert Dreamlab Technologies will lead two workshops aimed at enhancing the cyber resilience of these companies. This project is supported by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).

Does your business operate within the SME sector and are you interested in participating in this free study?

This offer is limited to 50 SMEs. You can register for free until April 21th, 2023.

For more information, please contact Ms Konstanze Schäfer (Cyber Security Consultant at Dreamlab Technologies) at or Ms Anna Rozumowski (FHNW) at