
Scan of over 4 million Japanese IPs detects over 28 million vulnerabilities

A recent case study of Japan’s cyberspace provided a clear picture of the current state of its general and critical infrastructure security posture. On 7 January 2022, a general analysis was carried out using CyObs, a high-precision cyber-radar system. The scan revealed that more than 21% of Japan’s active IPs are vulnerable to critical and high severity vulnerabilities. Additionally, more than 7 thousand exposed Industrial Control Systems were also detected.

These vulnerabilities, which were mostly found in Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, Wakayama and Kanagawa, could lead to successful attacks that may seriously impact Japan. An attacker could compromise or disclose sensitive information, or even take over industrial control systems. This is why regular monitoring and analysis is so important: it provides the necessary intelligence to generate preventative strategies to protect Japan’s critical assets.

If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the Japan case study, please send us an email at contact@dreamlab.net


Scan of over 4 million Japanese IPs detects over 28 million vulnerabilities

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