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In a recent interview with Swiss consumer affairs magazine Beobachter, Nicolas Mayencourt and Marc K. Peter discussed the new working patterns brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and how SMEs have been faced with increased cyber risks. They need to continuously analyse their IT infrastructure and resources in order to ensure data protection as well as business stability and continuity.

“It’s important that employees are familiar with the technologies and communication platforms they use in their day-to-day home-office routines”, said Prof Marc K Peter. “This includes access management, rules for data use and certainly, information on how to protect their devices and networks while working at home. IT security audits, backups and disaster recovery plans are also important.”

Nicolas highlighted the importance of staff awareness: “SMEs need to train their employees and sensitise them on this important topic”. Nick then shared a checklist with some key safety measures to consider for working securely from home.

Read the full interview (in German)