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As part of the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition, a multistakeholder alliance launched by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to foster meaningful connectivity and digital transformation globally, Dreamlab Technologies participated at their first P2C Annual Meeting which took place on 8th December at ITU’s Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

The event engaged high-level representatives and pledge-makers across all sectors, highlighting important milestones, such as, including over 500 pledges and the mobilisation of over US$28 billion for connectivity projects around the world.

Nicolas Mayencourt pledged to provide a cyberspace radar system to map, measure and visualise the cyberspace of Least Developed Countries, supplying a granular view of a country’s attack surface, as well as indicators to encourage better governance and policy making.

The project, which contributes towards ITU’s Cyber4Good program, focuses on empowering local, national, or regional capabilities to take actions on learning about and reducing their attack surface. The cyber radar will work as a barometer to better the development of local cyberspace which in turn will benefit the cybersecurity maturity of their digital ecosystem and ensure the stability of their national security by understanding the evolution of the threat landscape.

Check out all the Partner2Connect pledges