Visualisation tools are a key part of the smart contract development and documentation process, as they display high-level information about the...
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While the rise of blockchain provides a unique opportunity to create smart contracts for digital assets such...
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Últimamente, mucho se ha escuchado en los medios de comunicación la expresión de «infraestructura crítica». Pero cuando se menciona esta expresión,...
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En los últimos años, la industria minera ha acelerado su proceso de digitalización, lo que, junto a sus beneficios, también genera mayor exposición a...
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Es algo sabido que las amenazas cibernéticas están en constante cambio y evolución. Durante el 2021 el incremento de ciberataques de tipo ransomware...
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Blockchain and Web3 vs Web2
A blockchain, as utilised by Bitcoin, is a global distributed ledger that uses cryptographic functions to verify...
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Within the IT security industry, mobile security analysts frequently choose to analyse an android application by only looking at its Java decompiled...
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We have recently witnessed the advent of artificial intelligence, machine and deep learning technologies, which have led to a tremendous amount of interest from almost every other area of science, technology and business. The area of cyber-security is no exception. It is however interesting, that most security vendors and consultants keep a cloak of silence around specific AI-enabled cyber-security use cases and thus specific examples of how AI and machine learning are used in the context of cyber-security are rather scarce.
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Hace algunas semanas, una nueva técnica que afecta a Windows salió a la luz por medio del investigador francés Topotam (
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Although a cyber-attack can be devastating, the vast majority of organisations are ill prepared. Even armed with a good prevention plan and a great...
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