Dreamlab Technologies is pleased to have become a cyber-safe.ch label partner. The label aims to break down the barriers preventing entry into the world of IT security for SMEs and other small organisations, by offering a strong incentive and providing them with the necessary tools for responsible cyber security management.
As an international IT service provider and cybersecurity specialist, Dreamlab Technologies joins the label as an auditor and security partner, to help with both cybersecurity assessments and the implementation of corrective measures recommended by the association.
About cyber-safe.ch
Born from a participative approach, the Swiss Cybersecurity Association developed the cyber-safe.ch label, which helps SMEs and other small organizations to manage their cyber risks pragmatically. Using a two-step evaluation method, the label offers a decision-making tool for managing data risks and improving cyber resilience. Additionally, labelled organisations benefit from follow-up measures during the 2-year validity period.
For more information, visit https://www.cyber-safe.ch/