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After Switzerland’s Green Party’s social media account was hijacked, the conversation was again focused on the increasing cyber threat landscape of Switzerland. As insignificant and ultimately harmless as the Instagram hack may seem at first glance, it is also an indication of the criminal energy that is being unleashed in Switzerland’s digital space.

The federal government reports an 85% increase in online attacks in the first half of 2021. While the National Center for Cybersecurity (NCSC) received 5542 reports of cyber incidents in the second half of 2020, the figure was 10,294 in the first half of 2021 – an average of 56 incidents per day. And these are only those that companies or private individuals have actually reported.

Nicolas Mayencourt has been warning about this situation since the end of the 1990s. «What is certain is that Corona has multiplied the waves of attacks. We are currently experiencing five times more cyber attacks than last year. Maybe it’s ten or twenty times more. The fact that a large number of employees have gone into the home office has increased the attack surface immeasurably» says Mayencourt. «No one can fully assess how strongly and how quickly the digital transformation has taken hold of our societies”.

Download the full article here. (German only)